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What Is Video Introduction in UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:27 pm

A video introduction is a short, self-recorded video that freelancers can add to their UpWork profiles. It’s an optional way for you to introduce yourself to potential clients and showcase your skills, personality, and work style.

A video introduction can be a great way to make a strong first impression and stand out from the competition. But if you’re not comfortable being on camera, or you don’t think a video would add value to your profile, then you don’t need to create one.

If you decide to create a video introduction, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep it short. Your video should be 1-2 minutes long. This is enough time to introduce yourself and give potential clients a taste of your personality and work style.
  • Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

    Just be natural and let your personality shine through.

  • Highlight your skills. Use your video introduction as an opportunity to showcase your skills and experience. Talk about the types of work you excel at and why clients should consider hiring you.
  • Make sure it’s high quality. Use a good microphone and make sure the lighting is good so that your video is clear and easy to watch.

Creating a video introduction is optional, but if you decide to do it, following these tips will help you create a strong first impression with potential clients.

What Is Video Introduction in UpWork?

Video Introduction in UpWork is a short self-recorded video that freelancers can add to their profiles in order to introduce themselves better to potential clients. It is an optional way for freelancers to showcase their skills, personality and work style in order to make a strong first impression and stand out from the competition.

Although creating a Video Introduction is not mandatory, if you choose to do so, it is important that the video is 1-2 minutes long, that you be yourself and highlight your skills, as well as making sure the quality of the recording is good enough so it comes across clear and easy to watch.

PRO TIP: The Video Introduction feature in Upwork is a great way to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients. However, it is important to be aware that this feature can also be used to scam unsuspecting freelancers. There have been reports of scammers using the Video Introduction feature to create fake profiles and bait freelancers into accepting work that does not exist. If you are contacted by someone through the Video Introduction feature, be sure to do your research before accepting any work.

All in all, adding a Video Introduction in UpWork can be beneficial if done right but isn’t necessary if you’re not comfortable being on camera or don’t think it would add value to your profile.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.