Website Building » Wix » Why Is Wix Site Not Secure?

Why Is Wix Site Not Secure?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:31 pm

Wix is a popular website builder that allows users to create and design their own websites. However, some users have reported that their Wix sites are not secure.

This can be a major problem, as it means that your website could be vulnerable to hacking or other security breaches. There are a few reasons why your Wix site might not be secure.


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One reason why your Wix site might not be secure is that it is hosted on a shared server. This means that your website shares a server with other websites.

If one of those websites is hacked, then your website could also be compromised. Additionally, Wix does not offer SSL certificates for free. This means that if you want to add an SSL certificate to your website, you will need to pay for it yourself.

PRO TIP: If you’re using Wix to build your website, you may have noticed that the URL for your site includes “http://” instead of “https://”. This means that your site is not currently being served over a secure connection, which could put your visitors’ information at risk.

To fix this, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan and enable SSL for your site. Once you’ve done this, your site’s URL will change to https:// and visitors will see a green lock icon in their browser’s address bar, indicating that their connection is secure.

If you don’t upgrade to a paid plan and enable SSL, your site will continue to display “http://” in the URL and visitors will see a warning message in their browser when they try to access your site.

Another reason why your Wix site might not be secure is because Wix does not provide automatic updates for its software. This means that if there is a security vulnerability in the Wix platform, you will need to manually update your website in order to fix it.

Additionally, Wix does not offer two-factor authentication. This means that if someone hacks your password, they will be able to access your website and any data that is stored on it.

Overall, there are a few reasons why your Wix site might not be as secure as you would like. However, there are also some steps that you can take in order to improve the security of your website.

For example, you can host your website on a dedicated server instead of a shared one. Additionally, you can purchase an SSL certificate for your website and enable two-factor authentication. By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that your Wix site is more secure against potential security threats.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.