Web Development » Fiverr » Can One Laptop Have Two Fiverr Accounts?

Can One Laptop Have Two Fiverr Accounts?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:56 pm

Most people who ask this question are new to Fiverr, and the answer is usually no. If you want to have two accounts on Fiverr, you’ll need to use two different email addresses, because each account is linked to a unique email address. It’s possible to have multiple accounts with the same email address, but only if each account has a different user name.

The reason why most people can’t have two accounts on Fiverr is because they’re trying to cheat the system. They want to create two accounts so they can do twice the work and make twice the money.

This doesn’t work, because Fiverr tracks your IP address and can tell when two accounts are being operated from the same computer. If you try to cheat the system, you’ll likely get caught and your account will be suspended.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on using two Fiverr accounts with one laptop, be aware that there are potential risks associated with this approach. Your laptop could be flagged for suspicious activity if you login to two Fiverr accounts from the same IP address. Additionally, your accounts could be suspended or terminated if Fiverr discovers that you are operating multiple accounts from the same device. Therefore, it is advised that you use separate laptops or devices for each Fiverr account to avoid any potential problems.

There are some legitimate reasons why someone might want to have two accounts on Fiverr. For example, if you have a personal account and a business account, you might want to use two different email addresses so you can keep them separate. Or, if you use Fiverr for both buying and selling services, you might want to have two accounts so you can leave feedback for the people you do business with.

If you do need to have two accounts on Fiverr, the best way to do it is by using two different email addresses. This way, you can keep your accounts separate and avoid getting suspended by Fiverr.

The bottom line is that most people cannot have two accounts on Fiverr because they are trying to cheat the system in some way. If you legitimately need or want two accounts, make sure to use two different email addresses so that each account is linked to a unique address.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.