Web Development » UpWork » Are UpWork Freelancers Independent Contractors?

Are UpWork Freelancers Independent Contractors?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:30 pm

UpWork is a freelancer platform that connects businesses with independent contractors. But are these contractors really independent?

On the surface, it would appear that the answer is yes. After all, they are able to set their own rates, work their own hours, and choose which projects they want to work on. However, there are some key factors that suggest that these freelancers are not as independent as they seem.

PRO TIP: Upwork freelancers are not considered independent contractors by the company. This means that they are not protected by the same laws and regulations as independent contractors. Additionally, Upwork may terminate a freelancer’s account at any time and for any reason.

For one, UpWork takes a cut of every project that is completed on its platform. This ranges from 20% for projects under $500 to 10% for projects over $10,000. This means that the freelancers are not earning 100% of what they are bringing in, which takes away from their independence.

Another factor is that UpWork also has the power to suspend or even cancel accounts if they violate any of the platform’s terms and conditions. This gives UpWork a lot of control over the freelancers who use its platform, which again takes away from their independence.

So while UpWork freelancers may have some degree of independence, they are far from being completely independent contractors. UpWork still has a lot of control over them, which limits their ability to truly be their own boss.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.