Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change My Gallery Layout in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change My Gallery Layout in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:01 pm

WooCommerce is a great eCommerce platform for small businesses and large businesses alike. Its vast array of features and options can be overwhelming at times, but that’s what makes WooCommerce so great.

There’s a setting for everything, and if you can’t find it, there’s probably a plugin for it.

One of the great things about WooCommerce is the ability to change the layout of your gallery. This can be done by going to the WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display page and selecting the Product Images tab.

From here you can select the Gallery Layout that you want to use. There are three options to choose from:

  • Default: The default gallery layout will display your product images in a grid layout with no space between them.
  • Masonry: The masonry layout will display your product images in a grid layout with space between them. This option is great for products with different sizes or aspect ratios.
  • Slider: The slider layout will display your product images in a carousel slider. This is a great option if you have a lot of images for a product or if you want to make your gallery more visually appealing.

To change the gallery layout for a specific product:

  1. Edit the product. You can do this by going to the Products > All Products page and selecting the product that you want to edit.
  2. Select the Product Images tab.

    This tab is located at the bottom of the page, under the Product Data section.

  3. Select the Gallery Layout. You can choose from Default, Masonry, or Slider.




How do I change my gallery layout in WooCommerce?

You can change your gallery layout in WooCommerce by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display and selecting the Product Images tab. From here you can select the Gallery Layout that you want to use. There are three options to choose from: Default, Masonry, or Slider.

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce to sell products on your WordPress site, you may want to change the layout of your gallery to make it more user-friendly. The default gallery layout in WooCommerce is a grid, with four products per row. This can be changed to a list view, with one product per row.

To change the layout of your WooCommerce gallery, go to the WooCommerce Settings page and click on the Products tab. Under the Display settings, you will see an option for Gallery Layout. Select the List view option and save your changes.

Please note that changing your gallery layout will only affect new products that are added to your site. Products that have already been added will continue to use the grid layout.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.