Web Development » Fiverr » Do You Get Paid Instantly on Fiverr?

Do You Get Paid Instantly on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:02 pm

Fiverr is a platform where freelancers can offer their services for $5. The services can be anything from writing an article to designing a logo.

Once you complete a gig, the buyer has three days to approve it. If the buyer approves it, you get paid instantly. If the buyer does not approve it, you can either revise the gig or cancel it.

PRO TIP: Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to offer their services, but there are some things you should be aware of before signing up.

First of all, Fiverr does not pay you instantly. You will only be paid once the buyer has approved your work and released the funds. This can take a few days, or even weeks in some cases.

Secondly, Fiverr takes a 20% commission on all projects. This means that you will only receive 80% of the total amount charged for your work.

Finally, Fiverr does not offer any protection for buyers or sellers. This means that if you are not happy with the work you receive, or if the buyer is not happy with your work, there is no guarantee that you will get your money back.

Overall, Fiverr is a great platform to find work as a freelancer, but you should be aware of these things before signing up.

There are some drawbacks to using Fiverr. First, because you are only paid $5 per gig, it can take a while to build up a steady income.

Second, there is no guarantee that buyers will approve your gigs. If they don’t, you have to start all over again.

Overall, Fiverr is a good way to make some extra money. If you are patient and persistent, you can eventually make a decent income from Fiverr.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.