Website Building » Squarespace » How Do Donations Work on Squarespace?

How Do Donations Work on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:32 am

When you donate to a Squarespace site, your donation goes through WePay, our partner for processing payments. WePay is a secure way to give money online.

They’re PCI DSS Level 1 compliant, which is the highest level of security certification available for payment processors.

When you make a donation, you’ll see a loading screen while your donation processes. Once your donation is complete, you’ll see a confirmation message.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that when making a donation on Squarespace, you may be required to provide personal information such as your name, address, and credit card information. This information will be stored by Squarespace and may be used for future marketing purposes.

If you have any questions about your donation or encounter any problems, please contact us. We’re happy to help.

How Do Donations Work on Squarespace?

When you donate to a Squarespace site, your donation goes through WePay, our partner for processing payments.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.