Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Search for a Project on UpWork?

How Do I Search for a Project on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:46 pm

There are a few ways to search for a project on UpWork. You can use the search bar on the UpWork homepage, or you can use the Advanced Search feature.

To use the search bar, simply enter keywords related to the type of work you’re looking for. For example, if you’re a web developer, you might enter “web development” or “PHP.”

You can also enter skills that you have, such as “HTML” or “CSS.” Once you’ve entered your keywords, click the “Search” button.

PRO TIP: When searching for a project on Upwork, be sure to use specific keywords and check the job postings carefully. Many scams are posted on Upwork, and you don’t want to waste your time applying for a job that doesn’t exist. Be wary of any job that asks for personal information or money upfront, and of any employer who is not willing to communicate through the Upwork platform. If you have any doubts about a job posting or an employer, do some research before applying or accepting any offers.

The Advanced Search feature allows you to be more specific in your search. For example, you can search for projects that are posted in a certain category, such as Web Development or Design & Creative. You can also search for projects that are posted in a certain subcategory, such as WordPress or Logo Design. To use the Advanced Search feature, click on the “Advanced Search” link on the UpWork homepage.

Then, enter your keywords and select your criteria. Once you’ve entered your information, click the “Search” button.

No matter which method you use to search for projects on UpWork, you’re sure to find plenty of great opportunities!


How Do I Search for a Project on UpWork? You can use the search bar on the UpWork homepage, or you can use the Advanced Search feature. To use the search bar, simply enter keywords related to the type of work you’re looking for.

For example, if you’re a web developer, you might enter “web development” or “PHP.” You can also enter skills that you have, such as “HTML” or “CSS.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.