Website Building » Weebly » Does Weebly Save Changes Without Publishing?

Does Weebly Save Changes Without Publishing?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:09 pm

Weebly is a website builder that allows users to create and design their own websites. Weebly is a drag-and-drop website builder, which means that users can add and remove content without having to know HTML. Weebly is also one of the few website builders that allow users to create websites without having to sign up for a hosting plan. Weebly has a free plan that allows users to create a website with up to 500 MB of storage. Weebly also has a paid plan that gives users unlimited storage and access to certain features, such as removing Weebly branding from their website.

PRO TIP: If you make changes to your Weebly site and do not click the “Publish” button, your changes will not be saved.

Weebly saves changes without publishing by default.

This means that users can make changes to their website and those changes will be saved, even if they do not publish their website. This is useful for users who want to make changes to their website but are not ready to publish those changes yet. Weebly also allows users to schedule when their website will be published. This is useful for users who want to make sure that their website is published at a specific time or date.

In conclusion, yes, Weebly does save changes without publishing by default. This can be beneficial for users who want to make small changes or updates to their site before making it live for everyone to see.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.