Web Development » Fiverr » How Do You Make a Gig Thumbnail on Fiverr?

How Do You Make a Gig Thumbnail on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:25 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you know that a good gig thumbnail can make all the difference in attracting buyers and driving sales. The right image can make your gig look professional and trustworthy, while the wrong image can make it look unappealing and unprofessional.

Fortunately, creating a great gig thumbnail on Fiverr is easy to do, even if you’re not a graphic designer. In this article, we’ll show you how to create an attractive and effective Fiverr gig thumbnail in just a few simple steps.

The first step is to choose an image that represents your gig in a positive light. Think about what images are most likely to attract buyers and communicate the value of your gig. For example, if you’re selling a logo design gig, you might want to use an image of a professional-looking logo.

Once you’ve chosen an image, it’s time to add some text to your thumbnail. The text should be short and to the point, as buyers will only have a few seconds to read it.

Include keywords that describe your gig and what buyers can expect when they purchase it. For example, if you’re selling a social media marketing gig, you might want to include the keywords “social media marketing” and “Facebook marketing.”

Finally, make sure your thumbnail looks great by adding some finishing touches. You might want to use a border or frame around your image, or add some shading or other effects. If you’re not sure how to do this, there are plenty of free online tools that can help you out, like Canva or PicMonkey.

Once you’ve created your thumbnail, it’s time to upload it to Fiverr and start driving sales!

How Do You Make a Gig Thumbnail on Fiverr?

As a Fiverr seller, you know that a good gig thumbnail can make all the difference in attracting buyers and driving sales.

The right image can make your gig look professional and trustworthy, while the wrong image can make it look unappealing and unprofessional.

Fortunately, creating a great gig thumbnail on Fiverr is easy to do, even if you’re not a graphic designer.

PRO TIP: When creating a gig thumbnail on Fiverr, it is important to remember that your thumbnail will be the first thing potential buyers see. As such, you want to make sure that your thumbnail is professional and eye-catching. Additionally, your thumbnail should be relevant to the gig you are offering.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create an attractive and effective Fiverr gig thumbnail in just a few simple steps.

Step 1: Choose an image that represents your gig in a positive light.

Step 2: Add some text to your thumbnail.

Step 3: Make sure your thumbnail looks great by adding some finishing touches.

Step 4: Upload your thumbnail to Fiverr!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.