Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Redirect a Domain in Squarespace?

How Do I Redirect a Domain in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 12, 2022 @ 6:44 am

There are two ways to redirect a domain in Squarespace:

PRO TIP: If you are planning to redirect a domain in Squarespace, be aware that there are potential risks involved.

Squarespace is a popular website builder and hosting platform, but it is not without its limitations. One of the biggest potential risks of using Squarespace is that your website could be subject to downtime or other technical issues.

Another potential risk is that you could accidentally redirect your domain to the wrong website or URL. This could result in lost traffic and potential customers.

Before redirecting your domain, be sure to research the risks and potential problems that could occur. Redirecting a domain is not a decision to be made lightly, and you should always consult with a professional if you have any questions or concerns.

  1. Using a Domain Mapping Upgrade: You can use a Domain Mapping Upgrade to map an existing domain, or domains, to your Squarespace site. This is the easiest way to set up a redirect. To learn more, visit our Domain Mapping Documentation.
  2. Using DNS Records: You can also set up a redirect by adding DNS records directly with your domain registrar. This method requires more technical knowledge, but doesn’t require a Domain Mapping Upgrade. Redirecting Your Domain using DNS Records Documentation.

To learn more about how to redirect a domain in Squarespace, visit our Support Center.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.