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What Does Connects Mean in UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 11:02 pm

There are many ways to describe what connects means in UpWork. In general, it is a term used to indicate the relationship between two or more people or things. For example, you might say that you and your friend are “connected” because you have a strong relationship.

In the context of UpWork, connecting generally refers to the act of connecting with clients and freelancers in order to find work or collaborate on projects. When you “connect” with someone on UpWork, you are essentially adding them to your network of contacts. This makes it easier to message them, collaborate with them, and ultimately do business with them.

There are a few different ways to connect with people on UpWork. The most common is simply sending a connection request.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with the term “connects,” it is best to avoid using it in your profile or proposals on Upwork. Connects are a feature of the Upwork platform that allows clients to contact freelancers directly, without going through the proposal process.

While some clients may appreciate the ability to contact freelancers directly, others may view it as a bypass of the proposal process and a waste of their time. If you are not sure how a client will react to your use of the term “connects,” it is best to avoid using it altogether.

This can be done by going to someone’s profile page and clicking the “Connect” button. Alternatively, you can also send a connection request by clicking the “Connect” button on a project that they have posted.

Once you have sent a connection request, the other person will need to accept it before you are officially connected. Once you are connected, you will be able to message each other directly and see each other’s contact information.

So what does connects mean in UpWork? In short, it refers to the act of connecting with clients and freelancers in order to find work or collaborate on projects. By adding people to your network of contacts, you can make it easier to message them, collaborate with them, and ultimately do business with them.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.