Website Building » WooCommerce » Does WooCommerce Send a Confirmation Email?

Does WooCommerce Send a Confirmation Email?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:30 pm

When you set up a new WooCommerce store, one of the first things you need to do is configure the automatic email settings. This includes setting up order confirmation emails, which are sent to customers after they complete a purchase. By default, WooCommerce does not send any confirmation emails, so you will need to set this up yourself.

There are two parts to setting up order confirmation emails in WooCommerce: configuring the email settings, and designing the actual email template.

Configuring the Email Settings

The first thing you need to do is go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails. Here you will find all of the settings for the different types of emails that WooCommerce can send. Scroll down to the “New Order” email and click on the “Configure” link.

This will open up the settings for the New Order email. The first thing you need to do is select a “From” name and email address.

This is who the email will appear to be from when your customers receive it. You can either use your own name and email address, or you can use the name and email address of your store.

Next, you need to fill in the subject line for the email. You can use the default subject line, or you can customize it to say whatever you want.

Now you need to decide who should receive this email. By default, only the administrator(s) of the store will receive this email, but you can also add BCC (blind carbon copy) and CC (carbon copy) recipients if you want other people to receive a copy of this email.

The next setting is for the “Email Heading.” This is the heading that will appear at the top of your email template. You can leave this as “New Order,” or you can customize it to say something else.

Finally, you need to decide whether or not you want to include attachment(s) with this email. By default, WooCommerce will attach a PDF copy of the order details to this email, but you can uncheck this box if you don’t want to include attachments.

Once you have finished configuring all of these settings, click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

Designing The Email Template

The next step is to design your actual email template. This is what your customers will see when they receive their order confirmation emails.

WooCommerce uses a special system called “shortcodes” to insert information like customer names, order numbers, and other details into your emails automatically. You can find a list of all available shortcodes by clicking on the “Insert Shortcode” button at the top of the editor.

You can also use HTML code in your email templates if you want more control over their design. To do this, simply click onthe “Text” tab atthe top ofthe editor rather thanthe “Visual” tab.

Ifyou wantto senda confirmationemail aftera customerplaces anorder onyour WooCommerce store,you’ll needto setthissystemup yourself.

Thereare two partsto settingup orderemailconfirmationsin WooCommerce:configuringthe emailsettingsand designingthe actualemailtemplate.

Configuringthe EmailSettings

Thefirstthingyou needto dois gotoWooCommerce-> Settings-> Emailsand findthe sectionfor New Orders.

Hereyou’ll be ableto configurewho shouldreceivethe New Orderemailand whatinformationwill beincludedin it.

DesigningThe EmailTemplate

Thenextstepis too designyour actualemail templateby addingtextand imagesto it.


PRO TIP: Please be aware that WooCommerce does not send a confirmation email by default. If you would like to receive a confirmation email, you will need to set up an email notification in the WooCommerce settings.

Yes, WooCommerce sends a confirmation email by default when an order is placed by a customer

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.