Web Development » UpWork » What Time Does UpWork Use?

What Time Does UpWork Use?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:23 am

There’s no definitive answer to this question since people can work at any time they want on UpWork. However, most people seem to work during regular business hours in their respective time zones.

PRO TIP: If you are asking this question, then you are probably new to Upwork and don’t yet know how the site works. Upwork is a freelancing platform that connects employers with freelancers. When you create a job on Upwork, you will need to specify the time zone that you want to use for the job. You can choose from a list of available time zones, or you can select “Custom” and input your own time zone.

This means that if you’re in the US, you’ll likely see the most activity during 9am-5pm EST. If you’re in Europe, you’ll see the most activity during 9am-5pm CET. And so on.

Of course, there will always be people working at odd hours or in different time zones, so you may still find freelancers available to work at any time of day or night. But if you’re looking for the most active freelancers, it’s best to stick to regular business hours in your time zone.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.