Web Development » UpWork » Can I Have 2 Profiles on UpWork?

Can I Have 2 Profiles on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:28 am

Yes, you can have 2 profiles on UpWork. You can use 1 profile for each of your businesses, or you can use 1 profile for your personal freelancing business and 1 profile for your company’s freelancing business. It’s up to you how you want to use them.

If you’re a freelancer, then having 2 profiles can be a good way to keep your personal and professional lives separate. You can use 1 profile for your personal freelancing business, and 1 profile for your company’s freelancing business. This way, you can keep your clients and projects separate, and you won’t have to worry about mixing up the two.

If you have 2 businesses, then using 2 profiles can be a good way to keep your businesses separate. You can use 1 profile for each business, and this way you can keep your clients and projects separate. This can be especially helpful if you’re a freelance writer who also has a freelance design business – you can keep your writing clients separate from your design clients, and you won’t have to worry about mixing up the two.

So, if you’re wondering “Can I have 2 profiles on UpWork”, the answer is yes – you can have as many profiles as you want, and it’s up to you how you want to use them.

PRO TIP: If you create more than one profile on Upwork, your account may be subject to suspension. Upwork takes measures to detect and prevent fraud and abuse on the site, and part of this involves limiting users to one account. Creating multiple profiles is a violation of our Terms of Service.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.