Web Design » Figma » Can You Type Text in Figma Prototype?

Can You Type Text in Figma Prototype?

Last updated on March 8, 2023 @ 2:14 pm

Yes, you can type text in Figma prototypes! To do so, simply click on the Text tool in the top toolbar.

Then, click and drag to create a text box on the frame where you want to place your text.


From there, type in your text.

NOTE: You can type text in a Figma Prototype while being in the Design Mode. If you select the Prototype tab, then you will enter the Prototype Mode which only lets you create connections and interactions for the design animation, but you will not be able to type in any text.


There are a few different ways to style text in Figma prototypes. First, you can use the Text section in the Design tab to adjust the font family, size, and other properties of the selected text.

Second, you can use the Fill section to add some color to your text.

NOTE: Make sure that the fill color is in contrast with the background color, otherwise, it may appear unreadable.


So there you have it – two ways to style text in Figma prototypes! Experiment with each method to find what works best for your particular project.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on using Figma to prototype your next project, be aware that there is currently no way to add text to your prototypes while in Prototype Mode. This means that if you need to include any sort of text input in your prototype (e.g. for a form or survey), you will need to find another way to do it.

One possible workaround is to create a separate image with the text you need, and then link to that image from your prototype. But this is not ideal, as it can make your prototype less interactive and more difficult to test.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.