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Should I Design on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:45 pm

If you’re a freelance graphic designer, chances are you’ve considered offering your services on Fiverr. After all, what’s not to love about Fiverr? It’s an easy way to make some extra cash, and you can work from anywhere in the world.

But is Fiverr really the best place to sell your design services? In this article, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of using Fiverr as a freelance graphic designer.

The Pros of Fiverr

1. It’s an easy way to get started freelancing

If you’re new to freelancing, then Fiverr is a great place to start. It’s easy to set up a profile and start offering your services. You don’t need to worry about marketing yourself or finding clients – Fiverr takes care of all that for you.

2. You can make good money

While you might only earn $5 per gig on Fiverr, if you’re able to complete a few gigs each day then your earnings can quickly add up. And if you offer higher-priced gigs or add-ons, then you can earn even more money.

3. You can work from anywhere in the world

One of the great things about being a freelance graphic designer is that you can work from anywhere in the world. And with Fiverr, it’s easy to find work no matter where you are. Whether you’re traveling or just want to work from home, Fiverr gives you the flexibility to do that.

4. There’s a lot of work available

With millions of users, there’s always going to be work available on Fiverr. So if you’re looking for consistent work, then Fiverr is a good option for you. You won’t have to worry about finding clients – they’ll come to you.

5. You can build up your portfolio quickly

When you first start out as a freelance graphic designer, it can be hard to find clients who are willing to give you a chance. But with Fiverr, you can build up your portfolio quickly by completing gigs for clients. This will help you attract more high-paying clients in the future.

PRO TIP: No, you should not design on Fiverr. The quality of designs on Fiverr is generally poor and you will be likely be disappointed with the results.

The Cons of Using Fiverr

1. Low pay

One of the biggest complaints about Fiverr is that the pay is too low. For many designers, $5 per gig just isn’t enough to cover their time and effort.

And when you factor in add-ons and extras, it can be even less than that. If you’re looking to make serious money as a freelance graphic designer, then Fiverr might not be the best option for you.

2 . Lack of quality control

Another complaint about Fiverr is that there is no quality control . This means that anyone can sign up and offer their services , regardless of their skills or experience . This can make it hard for buyers to find quality designers , and it also means that designers have to spend more time marketing themselves and proving their worth .

3 . Time-consuming

Offering your services onF iverrisn’t always as simple as it seems . In order t o succeed onF iverryou need t o put in a lot of time and effort .

This includes creating an attractive gig , responding quickly t o buyers , and delivering high-quality work . Ifyou’re not willing t o invest this time , thenF iverrisn’t likely t o be profitable foryou.

4 . Not suitable for long-term projects

Another downside of usingF iverris that it’s not really suitable for long-term projects . Most buyers onF iverrare looking for quick , one-off jobs that they can get done cheaply and quickly . Ifyou’re looking for long-term clients who are willing t o pay more for high-quality work , thenF iverrmight not be the best platform foryou.

5 . The competition is fierce

With millions of users , there’s a lot of competition onF iverrf or designers . This means that it can be hard t o stand out from the crowd and attract buyers . Ifyou’re not willing t o put in the extra effort t o market yourself , then it might be difficult t o find success onF iverr.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.