Web Development » Fiverr » What Is Best Size for Fiverr Gig Image?

What Is Best Size for Fiverr Gig Image?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:54 pm

As a seller on Fiverr, one of the first things you need to do is choose a Gig image. This will be the image that appears on your Gig page and is one of the first things potential buyers will see.

So, what is the best size for a Fiverr Gig image?

The recommended size for a Fiverr Gig image is 550px by 370px. This is the size that will appear on your Gig page, and it’s also the size that will be used when your Gig is shared on social media or other websites.

If you’re not sure how to create an image that’s the right size, you can use a free online tool like Canva. Just create an account and then select “Create a design” > “Custom dimensions”. Enter 550px by 370px as your dimensions and then start creating your design.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “What Is Best Size for Fiverr Gig Image?” article may contain information that is outdated or no longer accurate. We recommend that you use caution and consult other sources of information before relying on the information in this article.

Once you’ve created your image, make sure to save it as a JPEG or PNG file. These are the only file types that can be used on Fiverr.

So, what is the best size for a Fiverr Gig image?

The recommended size for a Fiverr Gig image is 550px by 370px.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.