Web Development » Fiverr » Where Is Skill Test on Fiverr?

Where Is Skill Test on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:05 pm

PRO TIP: When looking for a skill test on Fiverr, be aware that many of the providers are not legitimate. There are a lot of scams out there, so be sure to do your research before hiring anyone. Also, be sure to read the reviews of the provider before hiring them.

It’s a good question, and one that we get asked a lot – where is the Skill test on Fiverr? The answer is that it depends on the country you’re in.

In some countries, the Skill test is mandatory for all sellers. In others, it’s optional. And in still others, the Skill test isn’t available at all.

So, if you’re wondering where the Skill test is on Fiverr, the answer is that it depends on your location. If you’re in a country where the Skill test is available, it will be listed under the “Requirements” section of the gig page. If you’re in a country where the Skill test is not available, you won’t see it listed there.

As for why the Skill test is not available in all countries, there are a few possible reasons. One possibility is that Fiverr has not yet rolled out the Skill test to all countries. Another possibility is that the Skill test isn’t required in some countries because the quality of sellers there is already high enough that Fiverr doesn’t feel the need to screen them with a test.

Whatever the reason, if you’re wondering where the Skill test is on Fiverr, the answer is that it depends on your location. So if you don’t see it listed under “Requirements” for a gig you’re interested in, that just means it’s not available in your country.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.