Website Building » Wix » Why Is My Link Not Working on Wix?

Why Is My Link Not Working on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:07 am

If you’ve created a link on your Wix site and it’s not working, there are a few possible reasons why. Here are some things to check:

1. Make sure the link is typed correctly. Check for typos or extra spaces in the URL.


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2. If you’re linking to an external website, make sure the website is live and functioning.

3. If you’re linking to a page on your own site, make sure the page has been published.

4. If you’re linking to a file, such as a PDF or image, make sure the file is published and the URL is entered correctly.

5. Make sure the link opens in a new window if you want it to. To do this, edit the link and select “Open in a New Window” from the Link Options menu.

If you’ve checked all of these things and your link still isn’t working, try removing and re-adding the link. If that doesn’t work, contact Wix support for further assistance.

There are a few possible reasons why your Wix link may not be working. Make sure to check for typos, that the website is live and functioning (if linking to an external site), that the page has been published (if linking to a page on your own site), or that the file is published and the URL is entered correctly (if linking to a file). You can also try removing and re-adding the link, or contacting Wix support for further assistance.

PRO TIP: If you are having trouble with a link on your Wix site, there are a few things you can check:

– Make sure the link is typed correctly
– Check that the link is not broken by opening it in a new window or tab
– If the link is to an external site, check that the site is up and running
– If the link is to a page on your own site, make sure the page has been published

If you still can’t get the link to work, please contact Wix support for further assistance.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.