There are two ways to change the order of your menus in WooCommerce. The first way is to drag and drop the menu items into the order you want them to appear. To do this, go to Appearance > Menus. Then, find the menu you want to edit and click on Screen Options in the top right corner.
A dropdown will appear with a checkbox next to Show advanced menu properties. Check this box and then click on Save Menu.
You should now see four additional options for each menu item: Order, Target, Title Attribute, and CSS Classes. The Order field controls the position of the item in the menu. The lower the number, the higher up on the menu it will appear.
So, if you want an item to appear first, you would give it a order of 1. If you want it to appear second, you would give it an order of 2, and so on.
The other way to change the order of your menus is by changing the code in your theme’s functions.php file. This method is for more advanced users who are comfortable editing code. If you’re not comfortable doing this, we recommend using the first method. To edit your functions.php file, go to Appearance > Editor.
On the right side of the screen, you will see a list of files in your theme. Find and click on functions.php.
Once you’re in functions.php, find the line that says “
__( 'Shop', 'theme-slug' ), 'main' => __( 'Main', 'theme-slug' ), ) ); ?>
There are two ways to change the order of your menus in WooCommerce. To do this, go to Appearance > Menus. Then, find the menu you want to edit and click on Screen Options in the top right corner. A dropdown will appear with a checkbox next to Show advanced menu properties. Check this box and then click on Save Menu.
You should now see four additional options for each menu item: Order, Target, Title Attribute, and CSS Classes. The Order field controls the position of the item in the menu. The lower the number,the higher up on the menu it will appear. So, if you want an item to appear first, you would give it a order of 1. If you want it to appear second,you would give it an order of 2, and so on.
The other wayto changethe orderof your menus is by changingthe codein your theme’s functions.php file. This method is for more advanced users who are comfortable editing code. If you’re not comfortable doing this, we recommend using the first method. To edit your functions.php file, go to Appearance > Editor. On the right side of the screen<--! more --> , you will see a list of files in your theme.<--! more --> Find and click on functions.php . Once you’re in functions .
php , find the line that says “ php register_nav_menus ( array (." This line controls your menus . To change