Web Development » UpWork » What Is Billing Method on UpWork?

What Is Billing Method on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:15 am

Billing method on UpWork is pretty simple. You can either be paid hourly or per project. If you’re paid hourly, you’ll track your time using the UpWork desktop app and submit it at the end of each week. Your client will then review the hours and approve or request changes.

Once approved, your hours will be invoiced and you’ll be paid via UpWork weekly. If you’re paid per project, you and your client will agree on a total price for the project before work begins. You’ll submit your work as agreed upon and once it’s approved, your project will be invoiced and you’ll be paid via UpWork weekly.

Now, let’s take a look at how to set your billing method..

Hourly Billing

If you’re going to be paid hourly for your work, you’ll need to track your time using the UpWork desktop app. You can download the app here.

Once you have the app installed, simply start the timer when you begin working and stop it when you’re done. Be sure to add a brief description of what you worked on so your client knows what they’re paying for.

PRO TIP: Billing method on Upwork is a way for clients to pay for the work that has been done on their project. This is done by either an hourly rate or a fixed price. It is important to remember that when choosing a billing method, you will need to consider the type of work that will be done and how much time it will take. Upwork also offers a retainer option, which can be useful for long-term projects.

Per Project Billing

If you’re going to be paid per project, you’ll need to agree on a total price with your client before work begins. Once you’ve agreed on a price, simply submit your work as agreed upon and wait for approval. Once approved, your project will be invoiced and you’ll be paid via UpWork weekly.


Billing method on UpWork is pretty simple.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.