Web Development » UpWork » When Can I Get Paid in UpWork?

When Can I Get Paid in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:20 am

As an UpWork freelancer, you’re in control of when you get paid. Once you’ve completed a contract and the client has approved your work, you can submit a request for payment.

The client then has 14 days to approve or dispute the request. If the client does nothing, the funds are automatically released to you.

If you’re new to UpWork or have a low job success score, your payments may be held in escrow. This means that the funds are withheld until the contract is complete and both you and the client are satisfied. Once the job is complete and approved, the funds will be released to you.

PRO TIP: When Can I Get Paid in Upwork?

If you’re new to Upwork, you may be wondering when you will get paid for your work. The answer depends on a few factors, including the type of contract you’re working under and the payment method you’ve chosen.

Here’s a breakdown of when you can expect to get paid:

Hourly contracts: You will be paid weekly for all hours worked in the previous week.

Fixed-price contracts: You will be paid when the project is complete and the client has accepted your work.

If you have any questions about when you will be paid, please contact Upwork support.

If you have a high job success score, you may be eligible for UpWork’s Fast Payment program. This means that your payments will be released to you as soon as you submit a request. There is no waiting period for clients to approve payment.

So when can you get paid on UpWork? It depends on a few factors, but generally speaking, once you’ve completed a job and submitted a request for payment, you can expect to receive your funds within 14 days.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.