Web Development » Fiverr » Do I Need Commercial Rights on Fiverr?

Do I Need Commercial Rights on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:28 pm

Commercial rights are the legal rights to use a copyrighted work for commercial purposes. These rights are usually sold by the copyright owner to businesses or other organizations that want to use the work for profit.

When you purchase a copyrighted work on Fiverr, you are only purchasing the right to use that work for your personal, non-commercial purposes. If you want to use the work for any commercial purpose, you must purchase commercial rights from the copyright owner.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering purchasing commercial rights for a Fiverr gig:

First, make sure that the gig specifically states that commercial rights are included. If it doesn’t, then you’ll need to purchase them separately.

Second, be aware that some countries have different laws regarding the sale of commercial rights. In some cases, you may not be able to purchase commercial rights for a Fiverr gig unless you’re located in the same country as the seller.

Finally, remember that just because you have purchased commercial rights for a Fiverr gig doesn’t mean that you own the copyright to the work. The copyright remains with the original creator of the work.

All you have is the right to use the work for your own commercial purposes.

Do I Need Commercial Rights on Fiverr?

In short, yes – if you want to use a copyrighted work from Fiverr for any commercial purpose, then you will need to purchase commercial rights from the copyright owner.

It’s important to be aware of a few things before you do so, however:

  • First – make sure that any gig you’re considering specifically states that commercial rights are included.
  • Second – be mindful of different countries’ laws regarding sale of commercial rights. You may not be able to buy them if you’re not in the same country as the seller.

And finally – remember that even if you have purchased commercial rights, this does not mean that you own the copyright. The original creator still holds onto that.

Purchasing Commercial Rights on Fiverr

So now we’ve established that yes, if you want to use a copyrighted piece from Fiverr for anything other than personal use, then you will need to buy commercial rights. But how?

Check if Commercial Rights Are Included First

Before anything else – and this is important – check and double check if the gig includes commercial rights in its terms of service.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use Fiverr for commercial purposes, be aware that you will need to purchase a commercial license from the site in order to do so. Otherwise, you may be violating the terms of service and could have your account suspended or terminated.

If it doesn’t explicitly say so (and this should be easy enough to find), then assume that it doesn’t come with them. In which case, proceed with caution and research before buying (more on this later).

But what if it does say that commercial rights are included? Then great!

You’re one step closer towards using that sweet logo/design/video footage/etc. for your business.

Be Mindful of Your Country’s Laws Regarding Sale of Commercial Rights



Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.