Web Development » Fiverr » Do Buyers Have to Leave a Review on Fiverr?

Do Buyers Have to Leave a Review on Fiverr?

Last updated on January 28, 2023 @ 3:24 pm

As a Fiverr buyer, you’re not required to leave a review on a seller’s gig. However, we encourage you to do so because it’s one of the best ways to show your support for a seller. Plus, your feedback helps other buyers make informed decisions about who they want to work with on Fiverr.

If you had a great experience working with a seller and you’d like to leave them a positive review, here’s how:

1. Navigate to the Completed Orders page in My Orders.
2. Find the order that you’d like to review and click View Order Details.
3. Click Write a Review and then choose the number of stars that you’d like to give the seller.
4. Write your review in the text box and click Submit.

Do Buyers Have to Leave a Review on Fiverr?

No, buyers are not required to leave reviews on Fiverr. However, we encourage buyers to do so because it helps other buyers make informed decisions about who they want to work with on Fiverr.

PRO TIP: Leaving a review on Fiverr is not mandatory for buyers. However, we highly encourage our buyers to leave a review as it helps build the credibility of our freelancers and helps other buyers make informed decisions when choosing a freelancer for their project.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.