Web Design » Figma » How Do You Do Isometric in Figma?

How Do You Do Isometric in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:27 am

Isometric design is a type of three-dimensional (3D) design that is based on geometric shapes. The word “isometric” comes from the Greek root “iso,” meaning “equal,” and “metric,” meaning “measure.”

Isometric design is created by drawing objects at 30-degree angles from the horizontal plane. This perspective creates the illusion of depth and dimension, while still allowing the viewer to see all sides of the object.

Isometric design has become popular in recent years, thanks to its clean, modern look and feel. This style of design is often used in infographics, product packaging, and website design.

If you’re new to isometric design, Figma is a great platform to get started with. Figma is a vector-based design tool that makes it easy to create complex shapes and illustrations. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create an isometric design in Figma.

To get started, create a new file in Figma. Then, use the Rectangle tool to draw a square. To change the perspective of the square, click on the square and drag one of the corner points to the desired angle.

Next, use the Line tool to draw lines connecting the corners of the square. These lines will form the sides of our cube. To make sure all of your lines are perfectly straight, hold down the Shift key while you’re drawing them.

Now we’ll add some color to our cube. To do this, select the cube and click on the Fill color in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Choose a color from the palette or enter a hex code.

Finally, let’s add some text to our cube. To do this, select the Text tool and click inside the cube. Type your desired text and use the formatting options in the toolbar to change the font size, color, and alignment as desired.

That’s it! You’ve now created a simple isometric design in Figma.

How Do You Do Isometric in Figma?

To create an isometric design in Figma, start by creating a new file. Then use the Rectangle tool to draw a square. Change the perspective of the square by clicking on it and dragging one of corner points to desired angle.

PRO TIP: Isometric is a style of design where elements are placed on a grid and appear to be three dimensional. This can be tricky to achieve in Figma, and there are a few things to watch out for.

First, make sure your grid is set up correctly. Isometric grids are usually based on a 30 degree angle, so you’ll need to create a custom grid with that setting. Next, be careful with your spacing and alignments. Make sure everything is lined up correctly, or it will look off. Finally, keep an eye on your perspective. Isometric designs can appear flat if not done properly, so make sure to add some depth to your design.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to create an amazing isometric design in Figma!

Use Line tool to draw lines connecting corners of square. These lines will form sides of our cube.

To make sure all of your lines are perfectly straight, hold down Shift key while you’re drawing them.

Now we’ll add some color to our cube by selecting it and clicking on Fill color in toolbar at top of screen. Choose a color from palette or enter a hex code.

Finally, let’s add some text to our cube by selecting Text tool and clicking inside cube . Type your desired text and use formatting options in toolbar to change font size , color , and alignment as desired.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.