Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Add Gigs to Fiverr WordPress?

How Do I Add Gigs to Fiverr WordPress?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:40 pm

If you’re a WordPress user, you may be wondering how you can add gigs to your site. Fiverr is a great resource for finding freelance services, and there are a few ways you can add gigs to your WordPress site.

The first way is to use the Fiverr RSS feed. You can find the RSS feed for any category on Fiverr by going to that category’s page and scrolling down to the bottom. There, you’ll see an RSS icon and the URL for the feed. To add the feed to your WordPress site, go to your Dashboard and click on “Add New” under the ” Plugins” section.

Search for “RSS Importer” and install the plugin. Once it’s installed, activate it and then go to “Tools” and “Import.” From there, you can click on “RSS” and paste in the URL of the Fiverr RSS feed you want to use. The plugin will import the gigs from that RSS feed and create posts for each one on your WordPress site.

Another way to add gigs to your WordPress site is to use the Fiverr API. The Fiverr API allows developers to access gig data and perform certain actions such as creating new gigs, retrieving gig information, and managing orders.

If you’re a developer or know someone who is, they can help you set up the API and write code that will display gigs on your WordPress site. If you don’t have a developer or coding skills yourself, there are some plugins that use the Fiverr API, such as the WP-Fivver plugin. These plugins will need to be configured with your Fiverr account details before they can start displaying gigs on your website.

PRO TIP: If you are considering adding gigs to your WordPress site through Fiverr, be aware that there are some risks associated with this. First and foremost, there is no guarantee that the gig you add will actually be completed by the freelancer you hire. Additionally, if the freelancer does not complete the work to your satisfaction, you may not be able to get a refund. Finally, be sure to thoroughly review the freelancer’s work before accepting it, as you will be responsible for any errors or omissions in their work.

Adding gigs from Fiverr to your WordPress site is a great way to find new freelance services or display your own services if you’re a seller on Fiverr. Using the RSS feed or API are both great options, depending on your needs and skillset.

How Do I Add Gigs To My WordPress Site?

There are a few ways you can add gigs from Fiverr onto your WordPress website:

  1. RSS Feed: You can find an RSS feed for any category of gigs on Fiverr by going onto the category page and scrolling down until you see an RSS icon with a URL next to it.
  2. API: The Fiverr API allows access to gig data as well as performing actions such as creating new gigs or managing orders.

What’s The Best Way To Add Gigs?
It depends on what exactly you need and what skillset you have available.

If all you need is gig information displayed on your website, using an RSS Feed may be the best option for you.

If you need more than just gig information displayed or if want more control over how the gig information is displayed, using an API would be better suited for you.

No matter which route you choose, adding gigs from Fiverr onto your WordPress website is a great way find new freelancers or promote your own services if you sell them on Fiverr.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.