Web Development » UpWork » Can You Use a Fake Name on UpWork?

Can You Use a Fake Name on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:40 am

You’re probably wondering if you can get away with using a fake name on UpWork. The short answer is: no, you cannot.

In order to create an account on UpWork, you will need to use your real name and personal information. This is because when you create an account, you are agreeing to UpWork’s Terms of Service, which includes a clause that says you will not provide false information or create an account for anyone other than yourself.

So why do people use fake names on the internet? There are a few reasons.

Some people do it to protect their privacy and keep their personal information safe. Others do it because they’re trying to hide their identity for nefarious reasons, like fraud or scamming. Whatever the reason, using a fake name on UpWork is not allowed and can get your account suspended or even banned.

PRO TIP: If you use a fake name on Upwork, your account may be suspended. Upwork requires that you use your legal name on your account so that they can verify your identity and prevent fraud. If you use a fake name, you may not be able to withdraw money from your account, and you may also have difficulty getting support from Upwork if you need it.

If you’re caught using a fake name, UpWork may take away your ability to withdraw funds from your account, close your account, or both. So it’s not worth the risk. Be sure to use your real name when creating an account and filling out your profile.

Can You Use a Fake Name on UpWork?

No, you cannot use a fake name on UpWork. You will need to use your real name and personal information when creating an account.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.