Web Development » UpWork » Do You Need W9 for UpWork?

Do You Need W9 for UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:44 am

As a freelancer, you are probably always on the lookout for new opportunities to help you grow your business. One great way to find new clients is through online platforms like UpWork.

But before you can start working with a new client, they will likely ask you for a W9 form.

So, what is a W9 form? A W9 form is an IRS tax form that is used to provide your tax identification information to a person or company that is paying you.

This form is also sometimes referred to as a Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form.

As a freelancer, you are considered an independent contractor by the IRS. This means that the companies or clients that you work for are not responsible for withholding taxes from your pay.

Instead, it is your responsibility to pay your own taxes.

When you complete a W9 form, you will need to provide your legal name, address, and Social Security number or individual taxpayer identification number. You will also need to check a box indicating whether you are completing the form as an individual or business entity.

PRO TIP: If you are an Upwork freelancer, you may have been asked by a client to provide a W9 form. This is a valid request, as the W9 is used by the IRS to track payments made to contractors. However, you should be aware that if you provide your SSN or EIN on the W9, this information will be visible to the public via the IRS website. As such, you may want to consider using a pseudonym or other alias when completing the W9 form.

Once you have completed the form, you will need to sign and date it and then give it to the person or company who has requested it from you. They will then use the information on the form to prepare your tax documents at the end of the year.

Do You Need a W9 Form for UpWork?

Generally speaking, if you are going to be paid by a US-based company or individual, then they will likely request that you complete a W9 form before they issue payment. This is because they are required by the IRS to withhold taxes from payments made to contractors who do not provide a W9 form.

So, if you want to work with US-based clients on UpWork, then it is generally advisable that you have a W9 form on hand. That way, when a client requests one from you, you can simply provide them with the form and get started on the project right away.

In conclusion, yes – if you want to work with US-based clients on UpWork, then it is generally advisable that you have a W9 form on hand. This way, when a client requests one from you, you can simply provide them with the form and get started on the project right away.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.