Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Get Back My Disabled Fiverr Account?

How Do I Get Back My Disabled Fiverr Account?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:48 pm

There are a few reasons why your Fiverr account may have become disabled. The most common reason is that you have violated one of our Terms of Service. For example, this includes, but is not limited to:

– Creating multiple accounts

– Posting spam or inappropriate content

– Engaging in fraudulent activity

If your account was disabled for one of these reasons, it is unlikely that it will be reinstated. We take these violations very seriously and want to maintain a safe and fair marketplace for everyone.

PRO TIP: If you are considering disabling your Fiverr account, please be aware that once your account is disabled, it cannot be reactivated. This means that you will permanently lose access to your account, including any Gig requests, orders, messages, and earnings. If you have any questions or concerns about disabling your account, please contact our Customer Support team.

There are some other reasons why your account may have been disabled, such as an expired credit card on your billing information, or not logging into your account for an extended period of time.

If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, the best course of action is to contact Customer Support. Our team will be happy to look into this for you and, if possible, reactivate your account.

If you believe your Fiverr account has been disabled by mistake, the best course of action is to contact Customer Support.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.