Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Create a Direct Contract on UpWork?

How Do I Create a Direct Contract on UpWork?

Last updated on January 28, 2023 @ 11:35 am

As a freelancer, you’ll find that most of your work will come through indirect contracts. These are the contracts that you find on job boards like UpWork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour.

When you work through an indirect contract, you’re working with a client who has found you through a third-party site. The site plays the role of middleman, connecting you with clients and taking a cut of your earnings.

Working through a direct contract is different. With a direct contract, you’re dealing directly with the client. There’s no middleman involved, which means that you get to keep 100% of your earnings.

So how do you find direct contracts on UpWork?

The first step is to search for clients who have posted jobs that match your skillset. To do this, go to the UpWork website and click on the “Find Work” tab at the top of the page. Then, use the search bar to look for relevant keywords (e.g., “social media marketing” or “copywriting”).

When you’ve found a job that looks interesting, click on it to read more about it. If the job description says that the client is looking for someone to work on an hourly basis, then it’s likely an indirect contract. But if the job description says that the client is looking for a fixed-price project, then it’s probably a direct contract.

If you’re interested in applying for the job, click on the “Apply” button and follow the instructions on how to submit your proposal.

When you’re submitting your proposal, be sure to include your hourly rate or your desired project fee. If you quoted an hourly rate and the client decides they want to switch to a fixed-price project, they may ask you to renegotiate your rate.

Once you’ve submitted your proposal, all you can do is wait for the client to get back to you. If they’re interested in working with you, they’ll send you a message letting you know what their budget is and what they’re looking for in terms of scope and timeline.

From there, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to accept the job offer. If you do decide to accept it, congrats! You’ve just landed yourself a direct contract on UpWork.

PRO TIP: There are a number of risks associated with entering into a direct contract with another user on Upwork. First and foremost, when you create a direct contract you are agreeing to work with that user outside of Upwork’s protections. This means that if there are any issues with the work or payment, you will not be able to rely on Upwork to help resolve the matter. Additionally, by entering into a direct contract you are also bypassing Upwork’s fees, which means that you will not be able to receive any payments through Upwork if the client decides to stop paying. Finally, if you violate any of Upwork’s Terms of Service by entering into a direct contract, your account could be suspended or even permanently removed from the site.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.