Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Set Out of Stock in WooCommerce?

How Do I Set Out of Stock in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:05 pm

When you run a WooCommerce store, there will be times when certain products are no longer in stock. It’s important to mark these products as “out of stock” so that customers don’t try to purchase something that isn’t available.

There are a few different ways that you can do this.

One way to mark a product as out of stock is to simply change the stock status from “In Stock” to “Out of Stock” in the product data section. This can be done when editing the product, or bulk editing multiple products at once. Simply select the products that you want to mark as out of stock, and then select “Out of Stock” from the dropdown menu in the “Stock Status” section.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about setting your WooCommerce products to “out of stock” in order to stop selling them, think again! Doing so can have negative consequences for your business, including:

1. Your search engine rankings could suffer.

2. Customers who are interested in the product may be turned off by the “out of stock” message and take their business elsewhere.

3. You could miss out on sales if customers don’t realize that the product is simply out of stock and not discontinued.

4. Your inventory management will become more complicated, as you’ll need to keep track of which products are actually out of stock and which are simply unavailable for purchase.

In short, setting products to “out of stock” in WooCommerce is generally not a good idea. If you need to stop selling a product, it’s better to unpublish it from your store entirely.

Another way to mark a product as out of stock is to reduce the stock quantity to 0. This can be done in the product data section when editing the product, or bulk editing multiple products at once. Simply select the products that you want to mark as out of stock, and then change the “Stock Quantity” field to 0.

If you want to completely remove a product from your store, regardless of whether it’s in stock or not, you can delete the product entirely. This can be done by going to the Products page and selecting the Delete link next to the product that you want to remove.


There are a few different ways that you can set a product as out of stock in WooCommerce. You can either change the stock status from “In Stock” to “Out of Stock”, reduce the stock quantity to 0, or delete the product entirely.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.