Website Building » Weebly » Can I Unpublish a Website on Weebly?

Can I Unpublish a Website on Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 6:13 pm

Weebly is a popular website builder that allows users to create and publish their own websites. However, sometimes users may want to unpublish their website, for example if they no longer want it to be publicly accessible. So, can you unpublish a website on Weebly?

The answer is yes – it is possible to unpublish a website on Weebly. To do this, simply go to the ‘Publish’ tab in the Weebly editor and uncheck the ‘Publish Site’ option. This will unpublish your website so that it is no longer publicly accessible.

PRO TIP: If you unpublish your website on Weebly, your website will no longer be visible to the public. Your website will still be available to you, but you will need to republish it in order for it to be visible to others.

Of course, if you later decide that you want to publish your website again, you can simply go back to the ‘Publish’ tab and check the ‘Publish Site’ option. Your website will then be live once again.

So there you have it – you can unpublish a website on Weebly if you need to, and it’s very easy to do.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.