Website Building » Wix » Can WIX Have Multiple Pages?

Can WIX Have Multiple Pages?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:13 am

As one of the most popular site-building and hosting platforms in the world, Wix is known for its flexibility and ease of use. Users can create a single page or multi-page website with equal ease, and there are a number of ways to style text and other content. So, can Wix have multiple pages?

The answer is yes – Wix websites can have multiple pages.


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In fact, most Wix sites do have multiple pages, as this is generally the best way to structure content and make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. Creating new pages on Wix is simple and can be done from the “Page Manager” area of the platform.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on using WIX to create a multi-page website, be aware that there are some limitations. While you can add multiple pages to your site, you will not be able to create a custom navigation menu. This means that visitors will have to click through your pages in the order that they are listed. Additionally, search engines may have difficulty indexing your site if it is too large.

Once you’ve created a new page, you can add any type of content to it that you like, including text, images, videos, forms, and more. You can also style your pages using the Wix Editor, which gives you complete control over the look and feel of your site. And, if you need any help along the way, Wix has an excellent support team that can assist you with anything you need.

So there you have it – yes, Wix can have multiple pages. This is one of the many reasons why Wix is such a popular platform – it’s easy to use and extremely versatile. Whether you want to create a single-page site or a multi-page website, Wix has all the tools you need to get the job done.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.