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How Do You Make Money Selling Art on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:08 pm

As an artist, it can be tough to make a living. But, with Fiverr, you can sell your art and make some extra cash on the side. Here’s how:

First, you’ll need to create a gig. To do this, log in to your Fiverr account and click on the ‘Sell’ button at the top of the page. Then, click on the ‘Create a New Gig’ button.

Next, you’ll need to select a category for your gig. For this example, we’ll choose ‘Visual Arts.’

Then, you’ll need to give your gig a title and select a pricing option. For this example, we’ll choose the ‘Basic’ package, which is $5.

Now, it’s time to start creating your gig. First, you’ll need to upload some images of your artwork. Make sure to include at least one close-up and one full-body shot so buyers can see the details of your work.

Next, you’ll need to write a description of your gig. In this section, be sure to include information about your style of art, what buyers can expect to receive when they purchase your gig, and any other relevant details.

Finally, you’ll need to select a delivery time for your gig. For this example, we’ll choose 3 days.

Once you’ve completed all of these steps, simply click the ‘Publish Gig’ button and your gig will go live!

Now that your gig is live, it’s time to start promoting it. One great way to do this is by sharing your gig link on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You can also add a link to your gig in your email signature or on your website.

By following these simple steps, you can start selling your artwork on Fiverr and make some extra cash!

How Do You Make Money Selling Art on Fiverr?

As an artist, it can be tough to make a living. But with Fiverr, you can sell art and make money from anywhere!

What You Need To Get Started

All you need to get started selling art on Fiverr is an account and some artwork!

Creating A Gig

To sell art on Fiverr:start by creating a gig.

PRO TIP: Fiverr is a great platform for selling artwork, but there are a few things to be aware of before using it. First, be sure to set realistic expectations for your buyers. Fiverr is a great platform for selling artwork, but there are a few things to be aware of before using it. First, be sure to set realistic expectations for your buyers. Secondly, take the time to create quality artwork that will stand out from the rest. Lastly, remember to price your artwork accordingly, as buyers on Fiverr are looking for bargains.

Log in to Fiverr account and click on the “Sell” button at the top of the page.

Then click “Create A New Gig”.

Pricing Your Gig

Decide how much you want to charge for each piece of artwork.

Fiverr has different “tiers” or pricing options for each Gig.

If you want to offer more than one piece of artwork in each order (e.g., 2 prints for $5), then choose one of the higher-priced tiers.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.