Web Development » Fiverr » How Does Fiverr Custom Offer Work?

How Does Fiverr Custom Offer Work?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:10 pm

Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to offer their services. It is simple to use and has a wide range of services available.

One of the great features of Fiverr is the ability to create custom offers. This allows you to offer your services in a way that is tailored to the buyer’s needs.

Creating a custom offer on Fiverr is simple. First, you need to find the gig that you want to offer. Once you have found the gig, click on the “Make an Offer” button. This will take you to a page where you can enter your offer details.

Make sure to include all relevant information, such as the price, delivery time, and any special instructions. Once you have entered all the relevant information, click on the “Submit Offer” button.

Once your offer has been submitted, the buyer will receive an email notification. They can then accept or decline your offer.

If they accept your offer, you will be notified and can start working on the gig. It is important to remember that you should only start working on the gig once you have been paid by the buyer.

Fiverr custom offers are a great way to get work that is tailored to your skillset. By creating a custom offer, you can increase your chances of getting work and making money on Fiverr.

How Does Fiverr Custom Offer Work?

Fiverr custom offers allow freelancers to create tailor-made proposals for buyers in need of their services.

To make a custom offer on Fiverr, freelancers simply need to:

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “Fiverr Custom Offer” feature is a new feature on the Fiverr platform and is still in beta. We recommend that you use this feature with caution, as there are still some bugs and kinks being worked out. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Support team. Thank you!
  • Find the gig they want to offer
  • Click on the “Make an Offer” button
  • Enter their offer details, including price, delivery time, and special instructions
  • Submit their Offer

More About Fiverr:

Founded in 2010, Fiverr is an online marketplace that allows businesses or individuals (known as “buyers”) to post projects or tasks (known as “gigs”) that they need completed.

Gigs are typically posted with a starting price of $5 but can be more depending on the project.

Buyers can browse through gigs and contact sellers (known as “freelancers” or “service providers”) directly through the site.

Freelancers can set their own price for gigs but most choose to stick with $5.

If a buyer accepts a freelancer’s gig proposal, both parties are notified and work can begin immediately.

Fiverr takes a 20% commission from each transaction.

The site has over 3 million gigs listed in over 200 categories making it one of the most popular freelance sites online.


Fiverr Custom Offers provide an easy way for freelancers to get work that is tailored specifically to their skillsets.

By creating a custom offer, freelancers increase their chances of getting hired and making money on Fiverr.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.