Web Development » Fiverr » How Long Does Money Pend on Fiverr?

How Long Does Money Pend on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:14 pm

Most people are aware that when you make a purchase on Fiverr, your money is held in escrow until the job is complete. But what happens if the seller doesn’t complete the job, or if there is some other issue with the gig

When you make a purchase on Fiverr, the funds are transferred into an escrow account. This means that the money is not released to the seller until you are happy with the work that has been delivered. If there is a problem with the gig, you can open a dispute and our team will investigate.

If the seller has not delivered the work as described in their gig, or if they have breached our terms of service, you will be refunded in full and the seller will be sanctioned.

PRO TIP: Pending means that the funds are being held by Fiverr and are not yet available for withdrawal. This usually happens when a Gig is being delivered or when a dispute is being resolved.

If you have simply changed your mind about the gig, or if the work delivered is not of the quality you expected, you can request a revision from the seller. If they are unable to deliver the revisions you have requested, you can cancel the order and receive a full refund.

So, in answer to the question ‘How long does money pend on Fiverr’ – it depends on the situation.

If there is a problem with the gig, your money will be refunded. If you change your mind, or are not happy with the quality of work delivered, you can also request a refund. Otherwise, your money will be released to the seller once you are happy with their work.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.