Web Development » Fiverr » What Happens if You Decline a Cancellation on Fiverr?

What Happens if You Decline a Cancellation on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:45 pm

If you decline a cancellation on Fiverr, the following will happen:

The buyer will be refunded in full, and you will not receive any payment for the work that you have completed. In addition, your account will be suspended and you will not be able to sell any services on Fiverr until the suspension is lifted. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact our support team.

PRO TIP: If you decline a cancellation on Fiverr, your account may be subject to review and possible suspension.

While it may be tempting to decline a cancellation in order to receive payment for work that has already been completed, doing so is against our policies and will result in a suspension of your account. We understand that sometimes buyers may change their minds or circumstances may change, but we ask that you please cancel the order through the proper channels so that everyone involved is protected.

What Happens if You Decline a Cancellation on Fiverr?

If you decline a cancellation on Fiverr, the following will happen: The buyer will be refunded in full, and you will not receive any payment for the work that you have completed.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.