Web Development » Fiverr » What Is the Size for Fiverr Profile Picture?

What Is the Size for Fiverr Profile Picture?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:03 am

PRO TIP: Dear Fiverr user,

Please be advised that the recommended size for a Fiverr profile picture is 400×400 pixels. If your profile picture is not of this size, it may appear pixelated or blurry on your profile page. Additionally, your profile picture may be cropped if it does not meet the recommended size.

When you sign up for Fiverr, you’ll be asked to create a profile and choose a profile picture. Your profile picture is an important part of your Fiverr identity – it’s how buyers will recognize you, and it can affect whether or not they decide to work with you.

So, what’s the ideal size for a Fiverr profile picture?

The answer is: it depends.

Your profile picture should be large enough to be visible and recognizable, but not so large that it takes up too much space on the page. It should also be in a format that is easy to upload and view on different devices.

We recommend using a JPEG or PNG file with a resolution of 300×300 pixels. This will ensure that your picture looks clear and sharp, no matter where it’s viewed.

Keep in mind that your profile picture is just one part of your Fiverr identity – buyers will also take into account your username, tagline, and portfolio when deciding whether or not to work with you. So make sure all of these elements work together to give potential buyers the best possible impression of who you are and what you can do for them.

When creating a profile on Fiverr, it’s important to choose an image that’s easy to recognize, while still being in keeping with the site’s aesthetics. Our recommended size for profile pictures is 300×300 pixels, as this provides a balance between being visible and taking up too much space on the page. Additionally, using a JPEG or PNG format will help to keep the image looking sharp regardless of where it’s viewed.

While the size and format of your profile image are important considerations, keep in mind that they’re only one part of creating a strong Fiverr identity. Your username, tagline, and portfolio are also key elements that potential buyers will take into account when deciding whether or not to work with you. By making sure all of these elements work together cohesively, you’ll give yourself the best chance of success on Fiverr.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.