Web Development » Fiverr » Can I Edit My Gig on Fiverr After Publish?

Can I Edit My Gig on Fiverr After Publish?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:31 am

Once you’ve published a Gig, you can’t edit the title, category, or tags. You can, however, edit the description and images. To do so:

1. Go to My Gigs and click on the Gig you want to edit.


On the Gig page, click the Edit button next to the image.

3. Update your image, then click Save. You can also add multiple images to a Gig by clicking the “+” sign.

Can I Edit My Gig on Fiverr After Publish?

Once you hit that publish button on your Gig, you might think that it is set in stone – but that’s not necessarily the case. Fiverr does allow its users to make changes to their Gigs even after they have been published. This includes both the description and images associated with your Gig.

PRO TIP: If you edit your gig after publishing, it will go through a moderation process again and may be removed if it doesn’t meet our guidelines.

So if you find yourself needing to change something about your Gig after you’ve published it, don’t worry – it can be done. Just head on over to your My Gigs page and click on the Gig in question.

Then, look for the Edit button next to the image and click it. From there, you can make whatever changes you need to before saving.

It’s important to note that you cannot change the title, category, or tags associated with a Gig once it has been published. However, if you need to change anything else – including adding additional images – then Fiverr has got you covered.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.