Website Building » Wix » How Do I Add a Ticker to Wix?

How Do I Add a Ticker to Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:54 am

If you want to add a ticker to Wix, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to find a ticker that you like. There are many different tickers available online, so take some time to find one that you think will look good on your website. Once you have found a ticker, you need to copy the code for it.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about adding a ticker to your Wix website, beware! Tickers can be a great way to add dynamic content to your site, but they can also be a major source of headaches if not used correctly. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using tickers on your Wix site:


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1. Tickers can slow down your site if not used correctly. If you have a lot of content in your ticker, or if you have it set to refresh frequently, it can start to bog down your site. This can lead to longer load times and frustrated visitors.

2. Tickers can be distracting if not used properly. If your ticker is constantly moving and changing, it can be hard for visitors to focus on the rest of your content. This can lead them to click away from your site before they’ve had a chance to really see what you have to offer.

3. Tickers can be hard to read if not designed properly. If your ticker is moving too fast or if the font is too small, visitors may have a hard time reading the information in it. This can again lead them to click away from your site without getting the information they need.


The code can usually be found on the website where you found the ticker. Once you have the code, you need to go to Wix and create a new HTML element. To do this, click on the “Add” button and then choose “HTML” from the list of options. Paste the code for the ticker into the HTML element and then click “OK.” The ticker should now be visible on your website.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.