Web Development » Fiverr » Can I Use a Google Voice Number for Fiverr?

Can I Use a Google Voice Number for Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:39 am

If you’re a freelancer, you know that having a professional phone number is important. It’s the first impression you make on potential clients, and it can be the difference between getting hired and getting passed over. That’s why many freelancers use Google Voice numbers.

Google Voice is a free service that gives you a single phone number that you can use for all of your business calls. It’s reliable and easy to use, and it has a lot of features that can be helpful for freelancers, like call forwarding and voicemail transcription.

So, can you use a Google Voice number for Fiverr?

The short answer is yes, you can use a Google Voice number for Fiverr. In fact, many freelancers do use Google Voice numbers for their Fiverr gigs.

It’s a great way to have a professional phone number without spending any money. Plus, with Google Voice, you can set up call forwarding so that all of your calls go straight to your personal phone or your VoIP service.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using a Google Voice number for Fiverr, be aware that this is not currently an officially supported feature by Fiverr. There have been reports of users having their accounts suspended or banned for using a Google Voice number, so it is not recommended to do so at this time.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re going to use a Google Voice number for Fiverr, though. First, when you set up your gig, be sure to include your Google Voice number in the gig description so that potential buyers know how to reach you. You should also mention in your gig description that buyers can expect to receive prompt, professional customer service when they call your Google Voice number.

Second, keep in mind that while most people will have no problem calling a Google Voice number, some people may not be familiar with the service. If you’re worried that potential buyers might not want to call a Google Voice number, you can always include your personal phone number in the gig description as well. That way, they can choose whether to call your Google Voice number or your personal phone number.

In conclusion, yes – you can use a Google Voice number for Fiverr without any problems. Just be sure to include your Google Voice number in your gig description so that buyers know how to reach you.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.