Web Development » Fiverr » Can a Buyer Delete a Review on Fiverr?

Can a Buyer Delete a Review on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:43 am

As a Fiverr user, you may have wondered if you can delete a review that you left for a seller. It is not possible to delete a review on Fiverr.

Once a review is left, it cannot be removed by the user who left it.

If you made a mistake when leaving a review or if you change your mind about the quality of the seller’s work, you can contact customer support and ask them to delete the review for you. However, it is up to customer support to decide whether or not to delete the review and they may not always do so.

PRO TIP: If you are considering deleting a review that you have left for a seller on Fiverr, think twice! Once a review is left, it cannot be deleted by the buyer. Not only will the review remain on the seller’s gig page for future buyers to see, but Fiverr also reserves the right to take action against buyers who delete their reviews.

In general, it is best to only leave reviews that you are sure of and that you feel comfortable with other users seeing. If you are not sure about a review, you can always contact customer support for more help.

Can a Buyer Delete a Review on Fiverr?
It is not currently possible for buyers to delete their reviews on Fiverr. If you need to delete or change your review, please contact our customer support team and they will be happy to assist you further.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.