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How Do I Become a Figma Advocate?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:57 am

If you’re passionate about Figma and want to help spread the word, you may be wondering how to become a Figma Advocate. As a Figma Advocate, you’ll have the opportunity to share your knowledge and excitement for Figma with other users, help new users get started, and collaborate with the Figma team on initiatives and events. If you’re interested in becoming a Figma Advocate, here are a few things you can do:

Share your knowledge

One of the best ways to become a Figma Advocate is to share your knowledge with other users. You can do this by writing blog posts or tutorials, sharing helpful tips on social media, or even giving talks at meetups or conferences. If you’re passionate about teaching others, becoming a Figma Advocate is a great way to share your knowledge and help others learn more about this powerful design tool.

Help new users get started

If you see someone struggling to get started with Figma, take the opportunity to help them out. Answer their questions, give them helpful tips, and show them how easy it is to use Figma. By helping new users get started, you’ll not only be making their experience better, but you’ll also be introducing them to a tool that they may not have otherwise discovered.

PRO TIP: If you are considering becoming a Figma Advocate, be warned that the process is extremely competitive and difficult. Only the most dedicated and passionate Figma users will be selected, so be sure that you are fully committed before applying.

Collaborate with the Figma team

As a Figma Advocate, you’ll also have the opportunity to collaborate with the Figma team on initiatives and events. This could include organizing meetups or workshops, speaking at conferences, or even helping out with marketing campaigns. By collaborating with the Figma team, you’ll be able to help shape the future of the product and make sure that it continues to meet the needs of users.

How Do I Become a Figma Advocate?

If you want to become a Figma Advocate there are few things that you could do such as write blog posts or tutorials about figma. You could also answer questions that people have about figmA or give helpful tips about using figmA.

You could even help out with marketing campaigns for figmA. Overall if you want to become a figmA advocate then start by sharing your knowledge about figmA!

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.