Website Building » Wix » What Happens if I Remove My Domain From Wix?

What Happens if I Remove My Domain From Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:30 am

If you remove your domain from Wix, your website will no longer be accessible online. Your domain will remain registered with Wix, but you will need to renew it separately in order to keep it active.

If you do not renew your domain, it will eventually expire and someone else will be able to register it.


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Before you remove your domain from Wix, you should first transfer any email accounts associated with the domain to another provider. You will also need to download a backup of your website from Wix, as removing your domain will delete your website from their servers.

Once you have taken these steps, you can remove your domain by cancelling its auto-renewal in the Wix Domain Manager.

Removing your domain from Wix is a permanent action, so be sure that you really want to do it before taking any steps. Once your domain is removed, you will not be able to restore it or retrieve any of the data associated with it.

If you have any questions about removing your domain from Wix, you should contact their customer support team for more information.

PRO TIP: If you remove your domain from Wix, your site will no longer be accessible online. Any content or data you have on your site will be lost and you will not be able to recover it.

What Happens if I Remove My Domain From Wix?

If you remove your domain from Wix, your website will no longer be accessible online.

Before you remove your domain from Wix, you should first transfer any email accounts associated with the domain to another provider.

Removing your domain from Wix is a permanent action, so be sure that you really want to do it before taking any steps.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.