Web Development » Fiverr » Do Most People Tip on Fiverr?

Do Most People Tip on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:12 am

As a freelancer who uses Fiverr, you may be wondering if it is customary to tip on the platform. After all, Fiverr is known for being an affordable option for outsourcing tasks and projects.

In general, buyers are not expected to leave tips on Fiverr. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you receive exceptional service or your project goes above and beyond your expectations, you may want to consider leaving a tip.

PRO TIP: Most people do not tip on Fiverr. If you do choose to tip, be aware that the person you are tipping may not be able to withdraw the money for up to 60 days.

Some buyers leave tips regardless of the quality of service they receive. This is because they understand that Fiverr sellers rely on tips to supplement their income.

If you decide to leave a tip, 5-10% of the total project cost is a good starting point. Remember, you are not obligated to leave a tip and should only do so if you feel comfortable doing so.


In general, most people do not tip on Fiverr. However, if you receive exceptional service or your project goes above and beyond your expectations, you may want to consider leaving a tip. Some buyers also choose to leave tips regardless of the quality of service they receive in order to help supplement the seller’s income.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.