Web Development » Fiverr » Do You Have to Report Fiverr on Taxes?

Do You Have to Report Fiverr on Taxes?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:14 am

A lot of people use Fiverr to start making some extra money on the side. And, since Fiverr is an online platform, a lot of people wonder if they have to report it on their taxes. The answer to this question is not as simple as a yes or no. It really depends on a few different factors, such as how much money you make on Fiverr, what country you live in, and what type of services you offer on Fiverr.

If you make less than $600 in a year from Fiverr, then you likely don’t have to report it on your taxes. This is because the IRS only requires you to report income that is $600 or more in a year.

PRO TIP: If you are an American citizen and you earn money through Fiverr, you are required to report your earnings on your taxes. Failing to do so could result in penalties and interest fees from the IRS.

However, if you live in the United States and make more than $600 in a year from Fiverr, then you will need to report your Fiverr income on your taxes. You will need to fill out a 1099-K form and send it to the IRS.

The 1099-K form is used to report income that is made through online platforms, such as Fiverr.

And finally, if you offer services that are considered “self-employment” services on Fiverr, then you will need to pay self-employment taxes on your Fiverr earnings, regardless of how much money you make. Self-employment taxes include Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Do You Have To Report Fiverr On Taxes?

In conclusion, whether or not you have to report your earnings from Fiverr on your taxes depends on a few different factors. If you make less than $600 per year from Fiverr, then you likely don’t have to report it. But if you make more than $600 per year from Fiverr, or if you offer self-employment services through Fiverr, then you will need to report your earnings on your taxes.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.