Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Update WooCommerce Plugins?

How Do I Update WooCommerce Plugins?

Last updated on January 17, 2023 @ 6:20 pm

It’s no secret that WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the web. It’s used by millions of stores, and its popularity is only growing. One of the things that makes WooCommerce so popular is its extensibility. There are thousands of plugins available for WooCommerce, and new ones are released every day.

While most WooCommerce plugins are free, there are some premium plugins as well. Premium plugins usually come with more features and better support than free plugins. They can also be worth the investment if they help you save time or money on your eCommerce store.

So, how do you update WooCommerce plugins? In this article, we’ll show you how to update both free and premium WooCommerce plugins. We’ll also share some tips on plugin management so you can keep your WooCommerce site running smoothly.

How to Update Free WooCommerce Plugins

If you’re using a free WooCommerce plugin, then updating it is easy. You can update free plugins right from your WordPress dashboard.

Just go to Dashboard > Updates and then select Update Plugins.

On this page, you’ll see a list of all the plugins that have updates available. Just select the checkbox next to the plugin you want to update and then click the Update Plugins button.

PRO TIP: When updating WooCommerce plugins, it is important to first check the compatibility of the plugin with your current WooCommerce version. Plugin developers will generally indicate on their websites or in their documentation which versions of WooCommerce their plugin is compatible with. Failing to check compatibility can result in your website breaking.

That’s all there is to it! WordPress will now download and install the latest version of the plugin for you. Once that’s done, you can activate the new plugin version from the Plugins page.

It’s important to keep your WordPress plugins up to date because new versions often include security updates and bug fixes.

How to Update Premium WooCommerce Plugins

If you’re using a premium WooCommerce plugin, then updating it is a little bit different. Instead of updating from your WordPress dashboard, you’ll need to update from your account on the plugin developer’s website.

For example, if you’re using the WooCommerce Bookings plugin, then you would log into your account on, go to My Downloads, and then re-download the plugin.

Once you have the latest version of the plugin, you can go to your WordPress dashboard and upload it just like any other WordPress plugin.

That’s all there is to updating both free and premium WooCommerce plugins! In the next section, we’ll share some tips on how to manage your WooCommerce plugins so you can keep your site running smoothly.

WooCommerce Plugin Management Tips

Now that you know how to update both free and premium Woo Commerce plugins, let’s share some tips on how to manage them.

One of the most important things you can do is keep a backup of your site before updating any plugins.

That way, if something goes wrong during the update process, you can always restore your site from a backup.

We also recommend creating a staging site where you can test out new plugin updates before pushing them live on your live site.

To do this, you can use a plugin like Duplicator. Duplicator lets you create an exact copy of your site so you can test out changes without affecting your live site.

Finally, we recommend only installing and activating plugins that you actually need on your site.

There’s no need to bloat your Woo Commerce site with unnecessary plugins because it will just slow down your site and make it more difficult to manage.

Wrapping Up

That’s all there is too it! Now you know how Do I Update My WordPress Plugins? We hope this article has helped clear things up for those who were confused about how updates work in WordPress! As always, if You have any questions or comments about this article feel free leave us a comment below!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.