Web Design » Figma » How Do I Export From Figma With Device Frame?

How Do I Export From Figma With Device Frame?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:20 am

Designing for multiple devices can be time-consuming and frustrating. This is especially true when you’re working in a design tool like Figma, which doesn’t have built-in export options for different device sizes.

There are a few ways to get around this, though. One is to use the “Export as..” function in Figma, which allows you to export your design as a PNG, JPG, or SVG file. The other way is to use a plugin like “Device Frame” which adds device frames to your design.

PRO TIP: If you are using Figma to export your design with a device frame, please be aware that there is no built-in way to do this. You will need to use a third-party tool or plugin to export your design with a device frame.

Once you’ve installed the Device Frame plugin, open your design in Figma. Then, go to the “Plugins” menu and select “Device Frame”.

From there, you can choose which device frame you want to add to your design. You can also adjust the size and position of the frame. When you’re done, click “Export” to save your design with the device frame.

Adding device frames to your designs can be a great way to quickly mock up how your design will look on different devices. It’s also a helpful way to share your designs with others who may not be familiar with Figma.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.