Web Development » Fiverr » Does Your Fiverr Name Matter?

Does Your Fiverr Name Matter?

Last updated on January 30, 2023 @ 7:28 pm

Yes, your Fiverr name does matter! It’s how you’ll be known to the Fiverr community, and it’s how buyers will find you when searching for freelancers who offer the services you provide.

Choose a name that represents you well, is unique, and includes keywords that describe what you do.

    1. Your Fiverr Name Is Your Brand
    When starting out on any platform – especially one as large as Fiverr – it’s important to build a strong personal brand.
PRO TIP: If you are thinking about changing your Fiverr name, be aware that it could have an impact on your business. Your name is part of your brand, and customers may have difficulty finding you if you change it.Think carefully before making any changes to your Fiverr name.
    Your name appears in your profile URL and on every gig page, so make sure it’s one YOU’RE proud of!

    2. Your Name Can Help You Stand Out From The Competition
    There are millions of freelancers using Fiverr to find work.
    Having an original, attention-grabbing username helps YOU stand out from the masses and makes it easier for potential clients to find YOU.

    3. Your Name Can Optimize Your Search Results
    The search engine used by Fiverr also looks at the keywords in profiles when determining which ones to show first in results pages.
    If your name includes keywords related to the services you offer, there’s a greater chance potential clients will see YOUR profile before others offering similar services.

    4. Your Name Can Help Build Buyer Trust
    When considering two similar gigs side-by-side, buyers are often more likely to move forward with the one whose username sounds more professional.
    A human-sounding username goes a long way in building trust with potential clients!

    5. You Can Always Change Your Username Later
    If after reading this article you’ve decided that perhaps your current username isn’t the best fit after all – don’t worry! You can always change your Fiverr username from your account settings page.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.